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Outreach Initiatives

-TLC Singles Lunch

 Third Thursday of each month at Trinity


-Ecumenical Food Kitchen

 Every other month on the second Thursday at First Presbyterian


-Food Drives

 Throughout the year, along with  Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter food and goodie baskets


-Juvenile Justice Book Drive
Providing faith-based books to incarcerated youth


-Family Promise

Host homeless families staying in the Family Promise of North Idaho network


-Backpacks and School Supplies

 for disadvantaged Bryan Elementary Students


​​-Mitten Tree Winter Clothing Collection

For Elementary families, UGM Center for Women & Children, St. Vincent de Paul

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Trinity Cares and Helps:

We are fed at the table of Communion where Jesus Christ comes with forgiveness, life and salvation. God sends us out to share the good news and to care for those in need.

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  • Family Promise of North Idaho: Lutheran Church of the Master and Community of the Holy Spirit join with Trinity to host families in Family Promise several times during the year. Many volunteers are needed to support this effort. There are a variety of ways to get involved: meal preparation; purchase supplies; shop for supplies, do laundry. There are so many wonderful ways to make this program a success.


  • Food Bank: Throughout the year, Trinity holds several food drives and collects non-perishable food items in the “Caring and Sharing” box in the Atrium. Food is distributed locally by the Community Action Partnership Food Distribution Center.


  • We Personally Care: This is a drive to collect personal care items that are donated to the community food bank.


  • Ecumenical Food Kitchen: Every other month, a team of Trinity members prepares and serves a nutritious meal for many disadvantaged people from the community. Many of these people are unemployed or disabled and might not otherwise have a hot meal. Meals are served at First Presbyterian Church.


  • Food Baskets: Holiday food baskets are provided for families in need at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We have also 'adopted' Bryan Elementary - our neighborhood school - and routinely provide support such as backpacks and school supplies.


  • Holiday and Heroes: Children come through this annual event with a local EMT hero. Each child selects a toy and clothing and then receives a beautiful handmade quilt from TLCW-Trinity Lutheran Church Women.


  • Lutherhaven Scholarships: Every child should be able to go to camp! That’s what the Trinity Lutheran Women believe. Each year they provide scholarships for kids in need.


  • Quilters: Quilts are handmade and given to TLC graduates, children and adults baptized at TLC, St Vincent de Paul warming centers, the Union Gospel Mission for Women & Children, Trinity Group Homes, Kootenai County Search & Rescue, local youth who were aging out of the Foster Care system. Fabulous fabrics and/or funds to buy materials are always welcome!


  • Juvenile Justice Support: TLC Outreach again joined in supporting the efforts of the CDA Juvenile Justice Center to collect gently used/new Bibles and Faith-based books for Teens in the JJC program. Our collection box was so full, it broke apart! Thank you for your many donations in helping young lives with new directions!




We gather for worship on Sundays at 9:00 am and on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm.


All are welcome!


PHONE: 208-664-5743


812 N. Fifth St., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

© 2018-2024 Trinity Lutheran Church

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