Audit To cause the audit of the financial records of the church annually.
Endowment To enhance the mission outreach of this congregation APART from the general operation of the congregation, and to manage Endowment investments.
Faith Formation To coordinate education for adults and youth, Confirmation, Wednesday night Kids Club, planning of youth events.
Fellowship To foster Christian fellowship by promoting activities which bring together Trinity members and people from the community to socialize in ways which encourage community-building based in faith.
Finance Responsible for all funds of the congregation, the safekeeping, reporting and disbursement of same; and the specific duties as outlined in the policy manual.
TLC Learning Center Responsible for oversight of the overall business of this Christ-centered learning environment for children.
Outreach To encourage our congregation to do ministry at Trinity, in the community and beyond.
Property and Grounds Annual contract decisions, decisions on contractors to hire when large maintenance issues arise, and on-going maintenance issues.
Staff Support To serve as a sounding board and liaison for staff and between staff persons and congregation.
Worship & Music To provide creative, scripture-based worship events while supporting the pastor and church musician in their leadership of worship.
Stewardship To provide leadership in the development of financial support and of member's volunteer contributions of time, talents and abilities.
Nominating To submit a list of qualified candidates for officers and Council positions.