Youth and Family
Here at Trinity we believe it is important to have children remain in worship for its entirety. We have a lovely "Creation Station" and Pray-ground located in the balcony that is designed for our youngest worshippers. It is stocked with activities and supplies.
We strive to provide a safe, wholesome and fun place for youth to gather, explore and form faith, connect with God and others, pray for each other, the community and world.
Kids Club
Kids Club meets Wednesdays. From 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Join us for games, Bible studies and dinner. Children, ages Kindergarten through Fifth grade.
Youth Group
Middle School and High School meet on Wednesday evenings during kids club as well as a youth time from 7:30-8:30 pm.

Whoever welcomes this child in my name welcomes me.
Connection to God - We want the youth to walk away knowing that they are loved no matter what
Connection to each other - we want to give everyone a chance to get to know each other, to laugh, to team build and to create relationships. It looks like just a lot of fun but it goes much deeper
Connection to the community - this often looks like service but it offers us the chance to hear other’s stories and participate in justice where we can.
Connection to the church - we want the youth to know that this is a place they belong and they can come as they are.